a transformative healthcare approach that goes beyond the medical; embracing your mind, body, and spirit

Traditionally, healthcare systems have focused primarily on the physical aspects of illness and treatment. As a transplant doula and patient advocate, I am bringing a holistic perspective that acknowledges the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. By integrating practices like yoga/ yogic philosophy, meditation, chinesen energetics, and lifestyle adjustments, I address not only the physical symptoms but also the emotional and spiritual well-being of patients. Alongside the holistic and spiritual aspects I bring to our time together, I also provide a lot of research and education so that we can ensure your voice is heard and you feel confident in making informed decisions.

Shifting Paradigms

I strongly believe that we shouldn’t have to figure it all out on our own or accept that ‘this is it’. My approach is designed around the support I wish I had and NEEDED when I was desperately struggling with my chronic illness journey. & Sometimes.. I still need to ask for support. The healthcare system often functions within rigid structures, sometimes leading to patients feeling like passive recipients of care. As a transplant doula and patient advocate, I am actively shifting this paradigm by placing the patient at the center of their care journey. I create individualized plans that honor the patient's preferences, beliefs, and goals, fostering a sense of autonomy and empowerment.

A modern approach

A Closer Look

Applying the concept of spiritual inner alchemy to chronic illness involves a metaphorical approach to transforming the experience of illness into an opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery.

>> Acceptance and Awareness

>> Transformation of Perspective

>> Emotional Transmutation

>> Integration and Balance

>> Self-Reflection and Growth

>> Finding Meaning and Purpose

>> Resilience and Transformation

>> Connection to Spirituality

>> Empathy and Compassion

>> Cultivating Inner Resources


  • Empathy and Emotional Support: I intend to create a safe and empathetic environment for clients and their families. Understanding the emotional and psychological challenges that accompany chronic illness, organ failure, and transplantation allows me to focus on offering a listening ear, comforting words, and creating opportunities for clients and families to express their fears, hopes, and concerns.

  • Education and Guidance: With the intention of providing clarity and knowledge, I invest time in educating my clients and their families about medical management, procedures, potential risks, recovery processes, research, innovations, and much more. This can help empower individuals to make informed decisions and feel more in control of their situation.

  • Advocacy and Support: As your coach and doula, I ensure that your voice is heard and your preferences are respected within the medical system. This could involve assisting with communication between patients (you), medical professionals, and families, ultimately fostering a collaborative and patient-centered approach to care.

  • Cultural Sensitivity and Inclusivity: I carry the intention to provide culturally sensitive care by recognizing and respecting he diverse backgrounds, beliefs, and practices of patients and families. By valuing and accommodating these differences, I can create an environment where individuals feel understood and supported.

  • Holistic Well-being: Guided by an intention to promote holistic well-being, I focus on addressing not only the medical aspects of health journeys but also the mental, emotional, and social dimensions. This could involve suggesting relaxation techniques, facilitating support groups, or connecting you with additional resources for coping and healing.


My core principles encompass vulnerability, integrity, and trust.

When I engage in one-on-one interactions with clients, my fundamental approach involves encouraging them to embrace vulnerability by confronting the genuine realities they face. I create an environment that invites them to shed facades swiftly and engage in authentic, open exchanges.

Maintaining unwavering integrity is of utmost importance to me, and I am swift to address instances when something seems amiss. I'm not hesitant to offer gentle guidance or observations as needed.

Lastly, the concept of "trust" holds immense significance in my perspective. This encompasses having unwavering faith in my clients, in my own abilities, and in the progression we undertake, adapting uniquely to each individual's journey.

Connect with Taiylor to discuss what works best for YOU!